There cannot be many days in which there is not something to be glad about.
Today, as a family, we are working together, pottering and generally following a “if you cannot be kind, say nothing” kind of ethos. That’s reason to feel glad on its own. No bickering so far, and even the children are getting on well too 😉
Today’s new lovely in the garden is a poppy, still creased from being curled up in its bud. The baby blue tits are still in and out to feed their young, but I’ve not spotted the red and blue damselflies getting together – I rather like the idea of purple damselflies…
We’re getting so much done! In between the regular weekend chores we’re doing nice stuff and sorting stuff – I’m finally ready for a table or desk in the back room. And it didn’t take much, the most part is a friendly, supportive feeling – it makes such a difference, to choose to be happy instead of allowing life’s woes get on top of us, pulling us down. Respecting what we are each doing and eager to achieve.
And I am behaving, taking rests to recharge the spoons, so that I can make chips for tea and have energy to stay up for a film at 9.00pm.
A happy day 🙂