When you feel shaky AF because you left it to the last possible day to renew a prescription but the 48 hours did not happen so it’s been a weekend without the two most important medicines – one that enables a lovely even-keel and the other that stops my nerves hurting. And so then I know I am not me without that first medication, or that actually this is me and I don’t like it at all. It’s horrible. And that latter med – shit, so things are definitely getting worse after all, but at least I should have that prescription later today, but I need to chase the GP (ha!) but hopefully a call to the pharmacy will suffice.
When the insurance company tells you what you’re getting for the car the husband managed to write off and it is way less than anything of similar mileage and condition that is available but I have to provide the research to prove that, when they have apparently already researched it so why can they not send me the link to the car so I can just buy the blasted thing.
When said husband spent ALL weekend researching cars (it’s a hobby for him) but not left me with any links with which to send to the insurance company. And he won’t be home til gone 9 every night this week.
When you’ve not phoned the internet company to find out why the fuck it’s so slow and the eldest offspring will be home in 2 weeks and cross because I’ve not sorted it.
When the main client is late paying for their regular work and it’s that time when all the bills go out.
When the bedding needs washing – I can do that bit, but putting it all back on again – that’s the bit I’m not up to doing, but will have to if I want to go crawl into bed early – which I need to do because in the mornings I have to get up to take the husband to the sodding station.
When you just want to go to the bottom of the garden and scream but you have a cold and that would hurt and would not actually be able to walk up again because of the meds.
When the GP did not leave a prescription as promised for younger offspring last week so have to chase that up too.
When the house disgusts you – it is such a mess and needs a thorough clean but you just cannot physically but it would appear to be your job.
When you foolishly bought that KitchenAid thanks to a sale and a discount and 3 months to pay but actually have not had the wherewithall to use it or even care that it sits brightly in your kitchen waiting for you to have the energy to bake.
When you realise that all the above really are first world problems so feel even more shit for being a blubbering mess over it all.
When you know you are letting everyone around you down and don’t have the tablets to be able to cope with that failure.
Shit – this was supposed to be cathartic.