There are fewer of us than I’d thought who wanted a significant change in what seems to be happening in our country – where fewer disabled people are no longer supported in their need for as independent a life as possible, where the poor (most of which are not there by their choosing) are having to visit food banks in order to feed their families.
Was it really a swell of naivety that seemed to have so many of the people I know wanting such to stop? We are a wealthy country, however it might feel at times. We were hit by the global recession and things needed to be done to bring us back to our feet. But there are other ways available which should have been followed. surely.
It would be easy to join them, those who quietly voted for more of the same. For most of us life is fine and will continue to be so. Let’s just hope we do not have to become dependent on our society in order to live a reasonable life, though.
But what can we do? Those of us who do care, who want things to change. If our vote did not make a difference, what else is there?
The following are some things to consider, on this fine day in what is still a good country to be living in, compared to many:
Was it really a matter of people voting for themselves? Is it foolish to think that we should or do vote for all of us?
Is it that people don’t, or do not want to, know about what is happening to those for whom austerity means poverty? Do many simply not trust the reports about the reality of life for those who have no choice but to visit the food banks or who can no longer be independent because they have a spare bedroom and nowhere to move to?
My view may be simple and naive but that does not mean it is wrong, nor that simple things cannot be done. And that is what I have woken up with today – a determination to find out more, to find out the truths and to do something, change something, however small. And then in my way do what I can to enable others to do the same, should they so desire.
We do now have the Full Fact team doing what they can, and more power to them. What other such independent organisations are there, that we can trust?
How can we make our politicians hear us when we need them to find a way to keep our NHS without making matters worse elsewhere, when we want them to reconsider who they affect with cost-cutting, when we want them to adjust the balance of the rich getting richer and the poor poorer – that’s just not right. Why is that happening?
Of course I could just be talking out of my behind, and I can hear those close to me pointing out that there is much at home and in my life to sort out first – I’m not exactly abundant in energy or ability myself. But if we all thought this way… I suppose fewer people will want to live here, not just from abroad but also within our society. I cannot believe that is what we really want.