Last night’s Election Debate ended with something that reminded me of how things can be when women get together. Look at that hug! It seems genuine and warm, supportive.

Not just women, indeed, but my experience has more often been that when you get a bunch of women together an energy builds, the support flows more freely, there is little posturing or bravado – we’re just in it together and if we can help each other, we just will. Of course not all women, just as not all men won’t be supportive and open (and maybe I’ve been unlucky with men 😉 ) but when I saw that hug last night it reminded me of something that has proven energising and powerful for me and others in the past.
Now, many years later, and having been a part of a great group of hugely supportive people, the majority of which were men, perhaps things have changed. And if they haven’t, it’s about time they did. I will find out…
What I now imagine may just be possible with this election is the kind of coalition that brings together 3 women and 1 man to lead our country, to take us away from the most disgraceful policies this current government has brought about. The idea that there just might be a sensible meeting of opinions and minds, blending the best of the parties and making them real. Or is that going to be too much to wish for or make real? This is not the Denmark of Borgen, after all, sadly…
Spent the last hour reading the FT and Daily Mail comments sections on Scottish articles. Nice to see someone who doesn’t get to the word ‘hate’ half way through the first sentence.
Comments are too often horrible to read, aren’t they? It is disheartening that there can be so much hate in our world. None of that here – we need to balance with the good and positive, methinks…