You’ll think me a bit odd now. OK, odder than you thought before. You see I want you to know that you matter, that you mean something to me, and so I’m going to be making sure you know, even if just by popping a quick “Hello” into your Skype chat box thingummyjig, or via a message on Facebook, or perhaps turning up at your door with a hug, even (now that would be rather lovely to spend a few weeks doing, wouldn’t it!).
This year has been truly horrible from the point of view of famous people dying, those that my generation enjoyed, or so it seems – David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Victoria Wood – far too young, and others who have been a part of our lives almost always, it seems.
And before I even get to publish this, Prince is all over my timeline. Numb!
But then someone I knew died, a gentle man who had shown me something so valuable in my business when I was starting out and who was really quite lovely. Out of the blue, we hear he’s died – and he was about my age. A chap who gave a lot of wisdom to a lot of people, and we all remember him fondly.
And today a young friend’s husband. It’s too much, enough, can we stop now, please. I did not know him that well but chatted now and then when collecting the kids from Primary school (many years ago now) and indeed haven’t seen my friend for a while now, but we pass on Facebook, share and like and just know we are there and that there is affection, and I know that if I asked something of her, she would be there in a moment, as would I for her (please may she know this). And they are both almost young enough to be my children. Too young.
Cancer. Again.
We get the impression that it’s pretty much beaten now, don’t we. That so many people survive it so how can so many people be dying from it.
And I so want to do something, and probably will. My friend will have lots of support and is unlikely to need me, but I am here and will make sure she’s being looked after, somehow. There’s really bugger all I can do for her and for her children, though.
Perhaps all we can do is cherish our own lives. Make the very most of what we have and don’t waste our health and love and time on nonsense and bad people and generally just not enjoying our lives and our loved ones, in not being happy with our lot. Of course some things will just get you, like Cancer, but we can still cherish our days, our family, our friends, and make sure they know they are loved. And it is love, isn’t it. That affection we have for certain people. Well, dear chums, you are going to know you are loved. If I could visit each of you right away I would – that is what my heart wants to do right now, but of course I cannot. And it did not need my friend’s loss to spark this, I was already there after my business chum died, and had determined to get in touch again with old friends. But of course there is family too, and there are old friends and new friends and and…
You’ll be hearing from me <3
Babs, a beautiful piece of writing and so very thought provoking. You are a kind lady and loved by many. Our paths may not cross at present, or of late but I feel your warmth and value our connection, whether it be a like here or there or a comment, you’re a dear lady that I have the pleasure of knowing.
Much love xxx
You beautiful person, you. Thank you. #sniff x