So, a couple of weeks of letting these medications settle and I can allow myself to lay down my intentions for the year.
The most obvious is to continue to lose weight, to eat more healthily. This is going to be much easier now that I can actually move my lardy a**e. I would have already fired up the decrepit exercise bike that loiters in the lean-to, scowling at me each time I pop out with laundry to dry or the cats’ tray to de-poo, but himself gifted me his manflu (which is indeed rather a nasty bug and has floored me this week). Truly, I will pop on for a few minutes each time – not long and taking it gently so the muscles get a chance to wake up and realise they’ve not been put out to pasture after all…
What else… Well doing things with the children is high on the list. They have no idea, really. Well, they do or they’d not complain so. But with a semi-disabled mother and a father who works the equivalent of double shifts the other side of London, commuting from home (madness!), the poor cherubs have to rely on their own devices to entertain themselves, and of course the path of least resistance is the Xbox or the computer. This is not ideal, and they know it too. I’d like for them to make a list of things they’d like to do as a family or which one or other of us, but fear we’ve allowed them to slide into boredom too far. At least I can now build the energy to tackle this, and I will.
Gardening! Oh the bliss I used to know when growing things, pottering for just half an hour outside with the secateurs. In this garden is a fruit cage (I think it’s supposed to be for hens, but someone planted strawberries, so…) and I will make good use of this, as well as plant the withered clump of rhubarb brought from out previous home, which somehow still clings to life, bless it. And herbs and flowers. And and and…
Going out will not be such an uncertainty, goodness, even the idea of weekends over to the west country or up to visit my brother and dad in the north-west, or popping to visit a chum on the south coast, or the other side of London. But who to visit first…
Some kind of housework every day, just doing that will keep things in order – the bathroom one day, sweep the floors downstairs another, just spending half an hour once the offspring have gone to school and before I start working.
And as for work – I’m going to have to sort out a desk again, nay, an office! Oh!!!
My lovely sister was very naughty and wonderful – she treated us both to FitBits so we can work on our health together – so far, for me, it’s been useful to gauge how well I sleep but that’s about all. I’m itching to get walking so I can get stars or lights or something when a target is neared. I’ve only set this to 4000 steps to start with and will see how far I can manage this weekend. It would be rather wonderful to walk to my GP’s practice next week, when we review how useful these tablets are – I’ll report back next Friday.
And that will do for now. I’m not usually big on resolutions and indeed rather see these, this year, as intentions now that there is something working to stop things hurting so much. It is an exciting time, perhaps more so for having missed the mobility so much…
photo credit: Travis Gray via photopin cc