Please excuse the mild profanity. You will no doubt read far worse, however I do try to refrain from such, as you know. Perhaps not always in real life, during the school run or the latest teen tantrum, of course, but that is real life 😉
So what am I on about now, you wonder? Or not… But ‘tis time to get cracking with a few things. My physical exercises – those learned with the lovely Dave plus a walk around the garden every day, and to exercise my blogging  muscles here, every day. So this is being typed on my iPad with a Bluetooth keyboard – it’s only taken me three years to set up and jdi – removing at least one excuse, and by just writing, developing Brazen Pollyanna to include all sorts of everything – well I will write, every day.
Apart from the obvious health benefits from the above on my physical and mental health, it gets me into the swing of blogging again, and a routine to allow for time for such – and that will be good for my business. You see I have this, what Simon likes to call, “cloud cuckooland” idea that we can somehow buy this house. Sadly the owner died recently so it’s unlikely his children will want to continue renting, but will either sell or want to live here themselves, perhaps. So come October we’re expecting a change – most likely to have to move yet again. Or, what I dream of, is for them to rent to us for another year while I work my socks off to raise a deposit so we could live here forever. That is my dream. And the work I need to put in to achieve this is going to be useful anyway – for a start we need to cover moving and another deposit this autumn, or if we do get an extension, we have to stop paying out on these moves – I did actually do a quite mental calculation – and there’s a house deposit right there!
So – one thing I have learned is the more I blog, the more time I allow to work on my business, the more business comes in – so that is what needs to happen. Nice to have the answer, now to kick my own ass into gear to just do it!