Today I wanted to attend the Service of Thanksgiving for a lovely man, one of my biggest fans, Roy Law. I could not join his family and friends so instead offer my respects from here by doing nice things for people.
So many people I know are online, virtual friends that I’ve either never met in real life, or not seen for a few years now. Various reasons – mostly the mobility issue – but that does not mean the feeling of fondness and indeed love is not as real. It’s times like this when I stop and consider just how many people I would want to pay respects to, in person. And so what I am going to pledge is to meet them before they or I die – not all at once perhaps (but that would be one jolly time) but gently over the next year or so.
I am determined to become more able to do things so will move that forward, or try, again (bless our NHS – one has to make a fuss, sadly, to be heard) and will find a way. I’d invite everyone here but we’re the wrong side of London for such shenanigans, unfortunately. But there are ways… I want to visit the north-west and the south-west in the next year and will include time then for friends. I will venture to London and find accessible places to ensconce myself and gather chums to join in with a good natter and jollity.
And other things – this afternoon is about making other people smile. Sending those cards I buy with a particular person in mind, not yet posted. Printing or uploading photographs of the children to my friend, with whom I’ve lost touch, who was present at my daughter’s birth – she was my best friend for many years and I miss her. Figuring out other ways I can perhaps especially enjoy making people smile – I’ll sense the smile even if I cannot see it. Utterly selfish, of course – there are few things that make me as happy as doing something lovely for someone. That’s not just me, is it?
So – for Roy – an afternoon of loveliness. Thank you for making me smile every time you suggested me as someone to talk to – every time, you dear man.
Here’s to passing it on…