I know most of us start similarly with intentions and resolutions, but I seem to have matured rather in the past year, more able to not take things so personally, freeing me to focus on my happy and to letting go of the worry if someone else chooses not to be. Much as I would love for everyone to be able to feel as happy as I seem able to is not possible – I have no control over anyone else but myself.
Anyway – I’m seriously at risk of wittering when actually there is much to do (not least get the dinner on!) and I have promised myself that I will write a blog post every day, either personal or for business and professional reasons. I have a choice, you see – with a couple of blogs for the business, one with the Parents’ Association website, several for other ideas and intentions, and here.
Something I will keep close to my heart and mind this year is how very lucky I am – I can do so many things, I have such “privilege” and I’m going to appreciate it. To not do so makes a mockery of it, really. Such privilege does not sit well with me but it is there so I’d best make the most of it, or at least acknowledge it is there, aware that it is not there for others. I hope this makes sense. I live in a country where guns are rare, never mind bombs, where most of us have choices, where we will raise millions to help others (yet still more is always needed, sadly) – I rather like the idea of re-purposing the billions to those areas of need and have an annual “Trident in Need” day or somesuch.
So – there are habits to form this year – taking a photograph every day which ensures I get some air each day, being more firm about what’s going on in my spine so I end the year in a better state than I’m starting, focusing on work so that we have some vestige of a chance of living somewhere reasonable as we age, to be of good cheer more, holding close to my heart the good things. You see, when I am happy I am more able to do something for others, to see about making some kind of difference, however small.
Enough – definitely wittering. Allons y…