Having been on and off rather poorly over the last few months, thanks to a significant number of gall stones within the gall bladder, and having had the necessary surgery last week to deal with it all, I’m now feeling so much more myself again. The Pollyanna within was not strong.

I am incredibly lucky to have a husband who’s job includes private healthcare, for which he does work incredibly hard, but even without that it would quite likely not have been too much longer until our wonderful NHS would have sorted me out.  At least I was one less to add to their lists and needs, though we might have reconsidered if we’d known how little of the raft of outpatient services required would have been included (through BUPA we get £1000 worth per year – that got used up pretty quickly, but luckily I’ve managed to keep business going meanwhile so can cover the extra).
Anyway – not going to dwell as I am enjoying how my mind is waking up now – one doesn’t realise quite how debilitating in all ways being so poorly can be. I’m used to chronic pain but of a particular sort and place – I’ve learned to live with that (though some new meds are working wonderfully and I cannot wait now to make the most of doing more). But this was a whole different kettle of fish, inconsistent but draining.
Tomorrow I get my stitches out and I hope to be up to walking around (we live right behind the hospital) and being sent on my way with instruction on when I can drive again. I have lists of things I’m looking forward to doing after a few more weeks of taking things gently. And meantime my brain has just come alive with energy. Watch out world 🙂