Yesterday was one of the nicest days in a long time. It started with my children being kind to each other – that makes a big difference and is noteworthy and likely will be for a few years as they test their wills and all the things normal teenagers go through. Mostly I try really hard to let them be, but goodness they can be testing – both being strong-willed and with a fierce sense of right and wrong. I’m sure such sibling battling is a normal way to work out how to deal with such things – not something my siblings and I were allowed to do, resulting in an ingrained fear of confrontation, I think.
Anyway – back to my day, which started with an extra spoon available thanks to my lovelies being lovely. I’d made something ages ago for a lovely friend, one I’ve yet to meet but with whom I sense a kindred spirit, with a fabric I know she liked – just a small heart, and then spotted a great retro tea-towel that seemed appropriate for her and her husband, and wanted to lend her a book, and made a bookmark and covered a box lid with some more of the fabric – little things but made with love because I knew they would make her smile. So I was eager for her postie to arrive and to know the joy I was sure she’d feel, which of course she did. Just writing this, I have the biggest smile and feel so very happy.
Then later I gave a hug to another friend via Facebook, one who needed it and I’m glad it made her feel hugged. More glad (not that she needed the hug, but… oh, you know what I mean 🙂 ). And then a quick note to another friend who’d had someone nasty be horrid to her and some more exchanges of being glad that we’re friends. Glad to bursting…
So what will I do with all this joy? Of course we don’t have to do anything with it, but I rather like to pass it on so there’s more of it around, I think many joy-able (not a word, I know, but fits) people like to share it, and not because they know they will feel even more of this joy, this happy, themselves.
Apart from all this love, something else came from yesterday. I did not work as George is hurting (my girl has her Cycle Ability training at school this week so spoons are allocated to getting the bike in and out of the car) and I’ve one of these nasty headaches, so have thankfully made sense of my business so I can ease up when necessary. So – I meandered a bit, doing some gentle social media client work and allowing a little time to consider an idea that’s been brewing, something to help make it simpler for people to do something helpful for those that need it. I know we should be prepared to make the effort, but I am certain that if there was a resource that helped make this easier, it would be welcome. And we need to do something. There are too many people in need of our help, however small. So that idea is now being nurtured – no doubt I’ll add details here because it is Brazen Pollyanna in action. A few like-minded friends are also keen which will make it more likely to happen. Indeed my last online hug yesterday was from my friend, one I respect hugely, agreeing that it’s a good idea.
I went to bed a happy woman. There are all kinds of thoughts that spring from this and I’ll let those ferment some before unleashing here. Nothing we don’t already know, but…
Have a happy day 🙂
photo credit: Thomas Geiregger via photopin cc